Card for the Old Dog

    Date: 09/06/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    My computer reminds me of this book, even though I've never read it:

    Flight of the Old Dog


    My old P4 has an old AGP 4x motherboard with an upgraded power supply that could take a newer graphics card. I wonder what is the best card I could get without going overboard. I was thinking about a Geforce 6600, but I thought maybe that'd be a waste with just a 4x AGP.

    What I'm thinking is getting a graphics card that maxes out the bandwidth of the 4x AGP slot, but at the same time not going so much beyond it that it'd be a waste.

    Perhaps I'm thinking about it in the wrong way. Maybe the GPU processing power helps even if the 4x bus is limiting the bandwidth.

    I wish there's an application out there called "Old Dog Advisor". You know, one that tells you almost exactly how far up you can upgrade your Old Dog (like giving you a list of components) before you start wasting money on too high of an upgrade?

    Any advice?


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