stoooobid Paypal, STOOOOOBID EBAY

    Date: 09/11/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: ebay

    I will now proceed to rant about the eBay auction I supposedly have won.

    I logged into my email and found that my Paypal payment has been rejected.

    What in the world.

    But anyways, I have just paid for a memory upgrade about oh, a few weeks ago. I'm pretty dern sure that I haven't bought anything that has pushed me over the Paypal limit (at least that's what my Paypal page said- I mean, who knows, green little ALIENS from ANDROMEDA could do all sorts of things without me knowing).

    I have sent two messages to the eBay seller. The person is either busy being ticked off by my non-payment or... I don't know, something that is preventing me from getting my hard-won eBay bid (That was the GeForce 6800 card I was talking about). Needless to say that the planetary alignment is definitely off. [edit: I don't know whether the seller is indeed upset. That is just my guess, until I get a reply]

    Anyways, as long as my eBay reputation doesn't go down I'm still ahead of the game. Everybody KNOWS that your eBay reputation is more important than your El Jay reputation, which is in turn more important than your real life reputation.

    I think the Powers That Be simply took a look at my evil plans for the graphics card (i.e. upgrading a crappy computer and doing Stupid Computer Tricks[TM] with it) and just decided to strike me down. Feh.

    But enough with the BS. Here's what I want to type:


    I am not ready to point fingers at the seller yet. Seriously doubt it's something on that side.

    Now I will go and find some places to crosspost this thing. Maybe there are eBay and Paypal communities with lotsa ticked off people ranting in them...


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