
    Date: 09/12/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp

    Speed freaks will need bricks

    What's with the 200 watt graphics card?? It made me think of two things:

    1. Back To The Future
    2. 3Dfx Voodoo5 6000

    Anybody remember the Voodoo5 6000? Yes, that crazy card needed an external power brick too. Or maybe it was another Voodoo card that needed it, I forgot.

    What are they going to do, slap 4 processors on a card or something? Plug it in, turn the computer on and start a fire. Or even better, slap 4 of those cards in quad SLI for 800 jigawatts of power!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/977346.html

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