P4 1.8 vs. P4 3.0

    Date: 09/28/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    After I upgraded my older HP desktop with RAM/power supply/graphics card, I ran it against my less old Dell notebook.

    HP Vectra VL420 MT
    P4 1.8GHz Willamette
    1GB PC133 DRAM
    AGP 4x, 4x100MHz FSB
    Geforce 6800 128, pipes+vertex shaders unlocked

    Dell Inspiron 9100
    p4 3.0GHz Prescott
    512MB PC3200 DDR DRAM
    AGP 8x, 4x200MHz FSB
    ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 128, overclocked core, overclocked memory

    (Core clock of Geforce card not accurate- it's not 10MHz, trust me)



    3DMark06, for laughs (I didn't bother OCing the Dell's gfx card on this one, and the driver is different. The other scores I used were actually from the time when I used hacked/enhanced Omega drivers for the notebook- otherwise the scores would be even further apart. I don't use it now because it hangs my gfx card on a game demo)


    Old HP whooped newer Dell's ass. It wasn't even close for the most part. The butt cpu is now bottlenecking the older computer, and the butt graphics card is still bottlenecking the newer one. They both suck, it's just that the older computer happens to be sucking a lot less.

    ...and Vista runs better on the older machine

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/984307.html

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