Media disconnected

    Date: 10/02/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello fellow '[info]'computergeeks!

    My computer seems to have a problem! It was working all fine yesterday and the day before, but when I got home today I found that I am not connected to my network. At all. All the other computers in the house are connected to the internet through my router, but for some reason mine is not.

    I ran the command prompt and ran the /ipconfig to find the message:
    Media State: ............. Disconnected

    I tried googling it but I can't really find my answer.
    I've checked my cable.
    I've system restored my computer.
    I reinstalled my network card.
    I've tried ipconfig /renew but it doesn't allow me to renew it since I'm 'disconnected'.
    I can't access the Linksys router page.

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :)


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