Super stressed on this problem

    Date: 10/13/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I am building a computer right now with a pentidum d 3.04 ghz processor and 2 gigs of ram. Everything is connected to the computer properly we triple checked the wire diagrams and everything looks good. When plugged in it starts and a boot screen appears then the computer automatically shuts down. Everytime. so we changed the processor to see if that was an issue. well when we did that the computer ran for a while and seemed ok so i figured it was just clock speed even though intel usually has good stuff. however, the computer started loading windows and then shut down again. now its doing the same thing. i am perplexed I have no idea what could be the cause of this issue. is it the motherboard or something else. Any suggestions would be great as i am totally stuck and need to get this computer running asap.




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