
    Date: 12/06/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hey guys, have you ever gotten UPS or FedEx packages lost or stolen?

    I had my dad wait at my house for a delivery, and later he found it stuck under the front door carpet, and stepped on a few times.

    I dunno... maybe somebody thought it was something good to steal, found out it was a piece of basically worthless CD (Windoze Ex Pee), got mad, stepped on it a few times and stuck it under the rug (literally)... who knows. I don't care really. Just don't do anything to the other stuff that's on the way and I'd be happy.

    Those of you who live by yourselves, do you just sign up for pickup at UPS/FedEx/USPS offices? Those package delivery fools usually just toss stuff onto the front porch and leave.


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