
    Date: 12/07/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. But I want to make a slideshow with some photos with music etc but I'm not sure what kind of software I could use for this. I have Windows movie maker but it's just so difficult getting the slideshow onto a DVD.

    I wanted to make a thing at the start and in between the photos, with a collage or something for each country that I visited. Does anyone know if any software would allow me to do that? I tried making a collage in powerpoint and transferring it over, but that didn't work :( I'd appreciate any help any of you have to offer :)

    Also something that's free and that I can download now would be great, or you may know of a program I already have..or help using windows media player (transferring to dvd) :)


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