Processes yes, applications nope

    Date: 12/29/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Has this ever happened to you? You click open a program and you wait and wait and wait and after a while you click again, and again. But the program doesn't start. Then you call up the taskbar to see what the heck is happening and you see in the processes tab it seems hundreds of versions of the program are sucking up your computer's memory (one process for each time you clicked the shortcut) but in the application tab there is nil--nada, zilch. Program just doesn't start.

    Usually what I do at this point is reboot the computer and hope that the problem resolves by itself. And if it doesn't, I reinstall the application. But seeing as I'm a member of this community of smart people, I figured I'd ask if anyone has seen this before or knows why it is happening. If I can understand what causes the glitch, then I can perhaps take steps to avoid it next time.

    Oh, ps, my operating system is Windows XP.


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