WHAT?!?! (EPS 12V)

    Date: 01/04/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html


    "...Even if the motherboard works with a 4 pin 12 volt cable, you are still only providing half of the current carrying capacity which would be provided by an 8 pin EPS cable. That can overheat both the motherboard connector and 4 pin cable. Scorched or melted connectors can be a result."

    I just plugged the 4pin into the 8pin. Looks like I'll have to get one of those expensive EPS 12V supplies before I could do any overclocking. Pbbt. In the meantime I'm getting a 4-8 converter cable to temporarilly stem the voltage drop.

    I guess I'm lucky that nothing melted so far.

    (I know that "dual core CPU" as in "two cores on a single die" could probably be counted as one CPU instead of two, but I'm not going to take chances with this expensive thing)

    Blah, heading further into overbudget territory. I wish MB/CPU manufacturers could make a bigger deal out of EPS by printing (in BIG CAPITALIZED LETTERS) "USE EPS 12V SUPPLY OR THINGS COULD MELT ON YOU"

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1018773.html

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