Web Calendar Software...does this exist?

    Date: 01/02/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, software, web, microsoft

    Hi, I'm looking for some commercial software, more specifically, a calendar that can be hosted on a webserver, accessed and edited by multiple users, give the admin different control levels, and have a ton of room for customization. I'm doing web development for a non profit organization.

    Here is the problem, everything that I've provided and shown my boss is either 1. not *pretty* or professional looking enough or 2. not what he needs (canned software that can't be customized enough to fit his organization's needs.

    I've tried to tell him that other than having a small company develop the program entirely from scratch, there is not really anything else we can really do.

    The closest thing I've come to his approval is the calendar available at http://www.mhsoftware.com, but he doesn't like the day view mode of the calendar.

    I've told him instead of shelling out all kinds of cash for software to be developed specifically for him we instead could use certain elements of the calendar and the rest could be php scripts containing forms, tables, etc. Well he still has me looking so what I want to know is, has anyone seen a commercially available calendar application that can be hosted on the web and have a ton of room for customization?
    Cost doesn't seem to be an issue either.

    The example he gave me of what he wishes it to be like is his calender on...AOL. :(

    The biggest problem is this is an exact copy of the email I get from this organizations office when I presented them with a letter similar to this.


    That was the email I got...wow. I'll call MS right up and have them get to work on the application...It's becoming a real problem trying to get them to understand anything.

    Thanks for any help x-posted to a few other places.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1018291.html

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