Seeking open source (or at least, freely available) project management software

    Date: 01/15/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: mysql, software, database, sql, web, linux, microsoft

    I'm trying to find something that will do approximately what Microsoft Project does, without actually being Microsoft Project ... Things I'd be looking for (ordered approximately from most important, to least important...):

  1. Can track project schedules and resource allocation

  2. Open Source (or at least, freely available)

  3. Self-contained standalone application (e.g., not web based, does not require any additional software such as MySQL or some other database back-end to be installed in order to function)

  4. Runs on both Windows and Linux

  5. Ability to work with (at least read) MS Project ".mpp" files nice, not strictly necessary

  6. I found "Windows Planner" (a Windows port of GNOME Planner) on Sourceforge. Unfortunately, while it does install on my WinXP SP2 system, it does not run - attempting to start it results in a DLL error. There are some other things on Sourceforge that look very nice, but they all seem to either be web-based, or require a database back-end, and that won't work for what I'm doing at the moment.

    Any recommendations?


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