proxy to non-us server or ip?

    Date: 01/16/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus, web


    i am a former arabic student that would really like to practice her arabic by watching a certain lebanese channel that, while it luckily has a webtv option on its website, is for SOME REASON not accessible to the us. its definitely not for political reasons, as this is the entertainment/bullshitty/rich-youth channel, very superficial and known for it. i believe its because the channel is available int he us with direct tv-- so maybe there's a non competition thing.

    while direct tv is expensive, the webtv option at the channel's website is cheap and convenient! but as soon as they register my ip as coming from the us, the programs don't get through.

    is there any way around this? i thought of some proxy thing but i haven't had success in finding something good. either it doesnt work or its too slow. is there anyway to just disguise hte isp? any reliable and non virusy programs? if its a proxy, i guess it needs to be a fast connection, cause it has to allow for streaming video.

    any ideas are very welcome! thanks so much for your time and thought energy!




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