Java jobs, Red Hat, North Carolina

    Date: 01/22/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, web, linux

    From: Bryan Kearney @ Red Hat
    (where I also work - hiring like mad, looking hard for qualified people)

    Folks... we are hiring a bunch of folks to work in the IT group at Red Hat. Great company, good culture, and lots of cool technologies (GWT, JBoss, Messaging, Web Services, etc). If you know folks who are looking, can you point them at ?


    -- bk

    Company: Red Hat
    Job Title: Application Software Engineer
    Description: Red Hat wants you to join the team that is delivering new on-line applications for the global Red Hat community. Utilizing experience with managing and deploying applications and Linux systems you will help the GIT organization continually deploy and upgrade application assets for internal and external customers. The ideal candidate will have experience system administration, software development and build systems, as well as exposure to multiple scripting languages.

    You will be responsible for defining release processes which govern the entire external and internal application suite. You will work with development teams and production operations teams to organize, plan, and execute application deployments to global web sites. You will identify gaps in existing tooling, and be responsible for filling these gaps with either custom code or existing open source solutions. You will work with team members locally and overseas to provide 24x7 coverage for application support. You will need to juggle priorities across multiple "most important" projects and bring to bear the good judgment you have developed during at least 2 years of related experience.

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    * Reply to Bryan Kearney


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