peculuar download speeds and errors

    Date: 01/23/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    A friend of mine's d/l speed is shot to hell when she tries downloading much of anything off a webpage (like an audio or video file). Perplexed, I gave her connection a speed test and it came out with the same results as mine (about .50 seconds). Now, I have tried to download the same thing, from the same site and my speed is normal. I've checked her CPU usage and that's at around 32% or maybe a little lower at times. Web pages load normally, but whenever she tries to download content from them, it's just total nonsense. I opened up GetRight and loaded the url of the download into there and it won't let her d/l saying it's "Anti-leech protected". But what puzzles me is that I had no problem doing the exact same thing on my end. I checked the settings and I made sure that they were exactly the same as mine and it still refuses to allow her to d/l doing anything other than letting it load in quicktime on the site, or right clicking the available link and downloading it that way. Everything is being done through Firefox and I switched over to Internet Explorer out of desperation for ideas and that is acting the same way. I've also tried downloading directly and through GetRight while getting a file she wanted off DivShare (I uploaded it hoping that one of the options would work), and it's still the same problem... very slow, and "Anti-leech protected". I am stumped. Does anyone have a solution or explaination or anything?


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