Application Error in Media Center

    Date: 02/10/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: microsoft

    I own a HP Pavilion m7690y Media Center desktop, about one month old. Yesterday, I had my media center open watching a tv show and I opened up the windows player. The player said it had some updates, so I clicked okay on the updates. While it was downloading the updates, it did something to my Media Center. Now my Media Center is telling me (whenever I click on play video, play live TV, or play Recorded TV):"Application Error: A critical media center process had failed. Please restart your computer. If the problem persist,contact your hardware assistance for help". Okay, I restarted the computer, nothing. Called the HP tech support. The first time, I got a tech who lives in Canada, has her Microsoft and A+ Certification. She had me try a System Restore. We tried it three times at varies locations. It didn't work. I got the Cannot complete this tasking. Nothing to restore, or something like that. So she wanted to try something else and I needed to back my stuff up just in case it erased my files (iTunes and Video). That was going to take a while. So I had to call back. This time, I got someone different (naturally) and she must had been across the ocean, because I had a really bad connection (like what you have when you call overseas) and she wanted me to do the System Restore even after I told her that won't work! Her response? Call my cable company! So I tried a third time. I got someone else. She tried remotely accessing my computer. She couldn't fix it, so she suggest, I backup my files and call again. I have to get another external hard drive, because all of mine don't have enough space. I also removed the Windows player in hope that the Last in, first out would work. That didn't work. Does anybody have any ideas?


« Please help! Can't... || os x 10.4.8 »

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