Please help! Can't place wallpaper!

    Date: 02/10/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Ok, so I can't place a wallpaper on my desktop by any means. I have Windows XP Home SP 2. Right now all I have on my desktop is the blue color.

    Display Properties > Desktop screen won't let me browse any wallpapers because the "Browse Button" as well as the "Background:" list beside it is suppressed.

    When I right click on image and click "Set as Background" nothing happens.

    I can't even place it up from Paint > File > Set as Background.

    Changing themes doesn't change the wallpaper either.

    I can change the color of my desktop though.

    Please solve my problem. Will editing the Registry (Regedit) help?

    x-posted to computer_help


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