Another computer update

    Date: 02/17/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Back in November I posted here looking for advice on putting together my first machine from scratch.

    Well, I picked up the final components for my system two weeks ago. I stuck by what I had listed here except for the processor. I couldn't get my hands on the 4800+ (the only reliable supplier I could find was NewEgg, which doesn't ship to Canada) so I ended up with a dual core Opteron 175. I also upgraded the PSU as recommended to the Neo HE 550.

    I started by picking up the PSU, case, and MB. As parts arrived, I plugged them in to the best of my abilities;; I made sure to read ALL the manuals twice over before attempting any component install.

    The shocking part: The final component to arrive was the RAM. I popped it in, plugged in the box, crossed my fingers, and hoped for the best. It seems all my due diligence was rewarded, for the machine booted on the first try. No fiddling, no tweaking, no resetting was necessary. It's been running smoothly now for two weeks without a single hitch. I'm especially pleased with the Opteron and its heatsink - the temperature has yet to climb above 38c on the processor. I haven't done any overclocking or stress testing first, as I wanted some time to make sure things worked properly before putting any strain on the machine, but I think I'll give it a go soon.

    Thanks everyone for your comments on my last post!


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