Computer update

    Date: 02/17/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    A while back I posted about a computer I was looking at grabbing and the overwhelming response was to kick up the ram to 2gb if possible. So a new option has presented itself:

    The previous setup:
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+
    1 GB Ram (May be able to up it to 2, but that might be pushing it a bit)
    80 GB HD (I have a 2nd drive right now that's 350 GB that would transfer over)
    256 MB NVIDIA Geforce 7300LE

    Vista Home Premium

    The new setup:
    AMD Sempron 3400+
    2 GB Ram
    80 GB HD
    Integrated NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE

    Vista Home Premium

    I've read a lot of reviews on the Sempron and they all appear to be fairly positive, but none of them can give me a straight answer as to how it will affect the multitasking and (although I forgot to mention it last time) the video stuff (viewing through network via my Xbox) that I want and need to be able to do.

    I think the 2GB is a huge importance, but is it more important than dropping the cpu and video card to those levels?

    Thanks again in advance for any help..


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