A Short Open Letter To The Owner Of AMDZone

    Date: 02/26/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Today I think I've pretty much had my fill of reading AMDZone. I couldn't stand the way Chris "go at it" anymore. I don't know how to explain this properly, but it's like how constantly dealing with a depressed/angry person tends to be a real downer in and of itself. That kind of behavior just drives me away because I don't like dealing with the negative energy that sort of builds inside my own poor stomach from it as well.

    That compelled me to write this on this Monday:

    Dear Chris of AMDZone,

    I've been detecting a lot of negativity, bitterness, and no small amount of anger in the articles on your site, a tone that has been persisting for quite a while now. I've been waiting for you to snap out of it but to no avail. If you slowly and carefully peruse your own entries you would be alerted to the phenomenon.

    Do you know that negativity is counterproductive, as well as bad for your metal and physical health? This is a very well documented scientific fact.

    Negative thoughts 'make you ill'

    Negative Emotions Can be Deadly to Your Health

    Please stop being so negative. It's bad for you.

    David of '[info]'intel_core

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1043349.html

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