Hooking up a wireless router to a comcast gateway

    Date: 03/05/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    We just moved into a Comcast-only area, so we're stuck with Comcast's service. We got the "home networking" thing added onto the bill so that when I move out in a couple months, if the parents have trouble with the wireless or something, they can get help from... you know... not me.

    Anyways, I also have a Nintendo Wii (yes. it's awesome). The thing is, the Wii is incompatible with 7 different comcast gateways (gateway, i'm told, is the term used to refer to a modem and wireless router built into one box). Everyone I've spoken to at comcast has come to the conclusion that I'm NOT going to be able to get a model that works. So I have a Linksys gateway that has special comcast firmware.

    I was informed that it would be possible to hook my old wireless (Linksys also) router into the gateway, and connect to THAT with the Wii.

    I have no idea how to do this.

    I hooked one of the four LAN ports on the gateway to the WAN port on the router, and then plugged my computer into one of the LAN ports on the router. Couldn't connect to anything on my computer. All the lights on the router seem to be working properly.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1046315.html

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