Why is IIS being so difficult?

    Date: 03/07/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've had to install the IIS server on my Windows Xp numerous times over the past few days. Every other Windows component has a simple to use self-extracting wizard, but IIS has a really quirky wizard, viz. I have to click cancel in the first dialogue that makes you find the location of the file (that's in a folder named i386), and then a dialogue box that asks me whether I want to continue appears, and I click "yes" for that. After I do that, the first dialogue shows up again, but this time asking the location of a different DLL file, and it proceeds and repeats teh same process for every damn file like this. I got so frustrated with this that I rigged up a macro to repeat these, and yet it still takes ten minutes to install the damn thing.

    Can anyone explain why this is so problematic?


    On top of it all, now after rigging up the macro, the stupid server is throwing these error messages,

    ...and it's not getting installed at all.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1046683.html

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