Fax software recommendation

    Date: 03/28/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    Ok, for some reason Fax Services under XP will not install for me no matter what I try. Strangely enough the Internet has been most decidedly unhelpful in the matter (on the order of "Oh, just uninstall it and reinstall it" but it's never been installed and it won't install for the first time).

    So I'm looking for recommendations for fax software to run under XP. I want to be able to replicate what MS Fax Service would have done which was mainly to receive a fax manually (or automatically sometimes, but manually is important since I share a line with someone else) or be able to send a fax from any program using the print function just like MSFS.

    Or, if you happen to have a suggestion for fixing MSFS, that would be great, too. In that case, the service error logs read "Error=2 Update Service". When I attempt to add MSFS through the Add/Remove programs panel, It appears to add the Fax printer device and then suddenly removes it. The fax modem works just fine, I'm able to talk to it via Hyperterm. I've also tried deleting all the MSFS related files to reinstall but something keeps restoring them and I haven't figured out what.

    Anyway, suggestions either way would be appreciated, thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1054120.html

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