Did Verizon pull a fast one? Or am I just slow?

    Date: 05/05/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    2 days ago Verizon came over to set up their FiOS service here. I had anticipated this and so I purchased a D-Link Gamer Lounge DGL-4300 as well as a D-Link DWL-G510 wireless adapter. When the guy verizon sent came by to set everything up for the new service, I asked the guy to just hook up the router I purchased. Well, he kept insisting that the one he set up (an Actiontec MI424WR) was "way better than that D-Link". So now I am currious if this guy's claims were accurate or if Verizon just doesn't want him to come back with the router they provided for us. I'd appreciate some thoughts on this.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1068387.html

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