The Devil Laptop
Date: 05/15/07
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: virus, spyware, microsoft, google
So, I offered to fix this lady's laptop, which was going "berserk" and was to the point that she "couldn't even work on it". I figured, she has some spyware, maybe a virus, so it's an easy fix. Wrong. She had at least 3 viruses that started up with the OS.
With that, I decided to do a wipe of the HDD and just reinstall the OS. Luckily I have a Dell copy of WinXP Pro, since she couldn't find her install disks. I also had to do the backup of all her files because she hadn't had time to do it. To do the backup, I had to go in to safe mode because Outlook wouldn't open.
I get everything backed up, the new OS on, and since the disk was for (I'm pretty sure) a laptop, the computer doesn't recognize the network card. I had to go to my computer, find the drivers for it, copy them to a CD, and install them to the laptop that way. So I get it working, get the rest of the drivers, the laptop is mostly happy. I get all the OS updates, so the computer is "protected" by SP2.
However, WinXP Pro had decided to dual boot on the same partition. I did a Google search, and with all my Google-fu skills, there were only 2 hits for my problem. But they had solutions. So that's fixed.
I then decided to be nice and install, in addition to the anti-virus and anti-spyware I said I'd do, some of the other programs she had had on there, like iTunes and Roxio (I have the Dell disk for that too...I have a Dell) and a couple more.
I take it back to her, give her the laptop, the backup DVDs, and a list of the programs she used to have on the computer. I told her she would have to reinstall Office and the other programs herself, and she pretty much freaked out, since she apparently has no clue how.
And now she has sent me another email, stating that she hasn't been able to do work in 10 days and would like me to come and reinstall the programs she had originally. I thought I was done with the devil laptop.
So, my main questions are:
1) Does Dell keep a record of the keys they use for Microsoft Office for specific computers? Because if she doesn't have the install disks, I'm not sure if I can get that back for her. I have my copy of Office, but no extra keys just lying around. The OS seemed to recognize the key right away, because I never had to input the key. But will Office be the same?
2) How cam I politely tell her that I will need to charge more for this? I got $50 for the first stage, which ended up being less than min. wage with all the time I spent on that stupid laptop. She also wants me to come to her house to do this. I know professional computer repair people charge more for house visits, and I already picked up the laptop for her and dropped it off at her house.
3) When a professional place, like CompUSA or someone who doesn't go to the home, wipes a HDD and reinstalls the OS, do they usually put all the programs and data back on the computer? Or is that left up to the customer? No one I know has had their computer in for repairs before, since we all know how to work with them.
4) Do they install the updates for the OS, like SP2 and all? Or do they just leave it as a fresh install with nothing done to it?
And as a funny thing, my daughter doesn't push CD trays in with her hands, she uses her stomach to push them in. However, she knows how to put a CD in the tray. (She's 15 months)
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