Add or Remove Programs

    Date: 05/15/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    Ok, first the stats:
    I have a Windows XP laptop [Toshiba, if it matters]. It's not that old, maybe two or three years.

    I was deleting programs using the 'Add or Remove Programs' tool. I saw a name I didn't recognize, noticed that it said that I 'rarely' used it, and deleted it. Well, it turns out that I deleted the audio to my laptop. My music doesn't work, videos don't work, YouTube doesn't work, etc. Is there any way to get back something that had been deleted using this tool? Or anyway to get my audio back? 
    I had my brother send me the files [same laptop, same everything], but that didn't work. I tried downloading almost the same thing, but still not luck.
    My laptop used SoundMAX Digital Audio, if anyone was wondering.

    I checked google, as well as almost everyone I could think of that was computer savvy. 

    And I really, really don't want to wipe my hard drive ://. I have too much stuff I want/need/can't save.



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