Mystery of the constantly "disconnected" internet

    Date: 05/17/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    So i've been playing Final Fantasy 11 for the past couple of weeks now. I've never actually been able to really enjoy it because of college etc etc. So now that it's summer break i've been playing it somewhat non-stop, until, i started having problems with my internet. The first time it disconnected, i thought it'd be wise to reset my router which did the trick somewhat. I could get back on the internet but only for short periods of time before getting kicked off. Sometimes it will even say not connected yet i can still get online, until it d/c again. I've checked forums changed my router channels, switched it to "keep connection alive". And i've seemed to exhaust every option there was. Hence i am  here. Two days ago i was having internet withdraws. Technically i HAVE interenet. I'm using it now. But i only have it for ten minutes at a time, because of the constant d/c. Needless to say there is no way in hell i can play FF11 with my wireless constantly d/c, which to me is pretty damn ironic. So im posting here for any solutions to my problem. I've been working on my internet connection problem since Monday night, when i d/c from FF11 and was greeted with a message "limited or no connectivity". I've done the aforementioned things, and now i'm not connected, yet connected, but only for ten minutes at a time. Any suggestions?

    Btw, i had to type this post as fast as possible before my internet could d/c again. I use a linksys router and a westell.


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