Good word template tutorials

    Date: 05/17/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a copy of Word 2003 (and Word 2007, but its just a trial version) and I need to set up a template for our appraisal reports. Thing is I know little to nothing about template creation. I don't know if its easier to just go through some sort of template design within word, or if I should start working with VBA stuff instead. I haven't done VBA stuff in a long time, but I'm wondering if any of the following things are possible (or if anyone thinks it CAN be done):

    Prompt the user to say how many photos need to be inserted, and then based on that, create X number of photo slots that are all 3.5 X 5.5 inches big, and then it will automatically put in the photos at that size.

    Allow the user to create a table dynamically based on input information and then fill in certain information based on the particular field.

    Allow the user to EASILY update individual headers and footers based on the page. I don't necessarily mean the "Word" header and footers, but to be able to put text on top of the page in a header format. We currently have a template that has "headers" in it, but the person who created it did it in some weird table format, so images and stuff will basically expand the box that the header is in.

    I know this is an incredibly confusing and f-ed up question, and if it would help, I could post a copy (heavily edited of course) of a document that is in the current format, which I want to modify so that it can be more automated and user friendly. With these reports, basically 75% of the info in them is the same in nearly every report, so the main issue is being able to easily modify select sections of the document. I'm basically doing this for someone who is as computer literate as Al Sharpton is racially tolerant, so I need to give the user good control over select parts of the document. Thanks in advance.


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