eMachines T2882 motherboard upgrade

    Date: 05/19/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

        Heya computergeeks,
    it's summer break, and I'll soon have a few hundred bucks to spare to fix up my computer so that it'd play games better (yep, that's the only reason). My desktop is a eMachines T2882 desktop, and I'm interested in replacing the motherboard with something that supports AGP or PCIe since my current motherboard only supports PCI cards. (yep, there's no AGP slot!)

        Th ideal situation would be only replacing the motherboard and not have to invest in a new processor and a new case... but I'm not entirely closed to the idea of replacing motherboard and processor and getting a bigger case... or if it's just a wiser thing to do, build a new computer from scratch (the desktop is getting a few years old now).

        In case it is relevant, I've done this stuff to my computer so far:
    memory: 256MB RAM --> 1024MB RAM
    replaced original power supply with 650W ATX power supply
    replaced CD writer with CD&DVD writer
    PCI slot1: Geforce FX 5200
    PCI slot2: wireless network card
    PCI slot3: 5.1 sound card
    PCI slot4: dial up modem (not in use. I should remove it.. someday)
    [that's all the PCI slots!]

    You can watch my computer lag here (heh)
    I have no experience with installing processors onto motherboards..
    Please recommend me a motherboard or a motherboard & processor. Graphics card recommendations are welcome too.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1073155.html

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