I need this video... geek help?

    Date: 05/20/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html

    Crap. I need a copy of this clip of John McCain on Hannity & Colmes, but for the life of me, I can't decipher FOX's URL passing to get the root FLV. I must presume that Flash caches it somewhere on my hard drive, or that someone smarter than I could get the URL to the FLV suitable for passing to ZamZar (http://www.zamzar.com) for conversion to AVI.

    I'm making a parody, which is why I'm after this video. Can anyone help?

    The URL at Fox for their player is: http://www.foxnews.com/video2/player06.html?051507/051507_debate_mccain&Hannity_Colmes&Interview%3A%20Sen.%20John%20McCain&acc&Politics&-1&News&372&&&exp

    Please note that this blows chunks in my FireFox, and I had to use IE to get it to play in the first place.

    Scouring YouTube shows that nobody has grabbed it and put it there yet.

    If anyone can get me the path to the FLV or even slurp it and get it to me as an AVI, I'd be pleased to give you "Technical Assistance" credit in the video (yeah, I know, that and $2.50 and you can buy a latte, but I would be sincerely appreciative)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1073543.html

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