oh crap. hard drive..

    Date: 06/21/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux

    Ok, so I'm in XP minding my business. Then boom, I get the nice BSOD. So I reboot, it gets into windows, same thing. I track it to my printer. Unplug it and it's fine. I decide to deal with it later. Then I reboot it into Linux to do some work. I want to go back to Windows so I reboot it again, but this time GRUB freaks out and gives me error 17, unrecognised filetype. I got a live cd for Ubuntu and tried to load it up but that didn't work either. It worked the first time but then all of a sudden I couldn't do anything so I went to restart and now it won't even go into the live cd. it keeps giving me these strange messages; "I/o eror on drive dm-3, logical block 0" and then counts up to 15 or 16 and then starts back at 0 and does this over and over.

    The next step was to load up Gnome partition editor and have a look, and two of my partitions (the ntfs one for Windows and the ext3 one) are bad. Gparted suggests that if I am in Windows, to try to run chkdsk.

    I am at a total loss here. I tried the recovery cd that came with the computer and it didn't work. I really, really don't want to have to resort to reformatting it either. My question is can anyone recommend somewhere to get chkdsk on a live cd (if that's even possible..) or even just what I should try next? I've been looking for ideas and somewhere to get something else I can burn to a live cd with my wife's computer that would help, but so far nothing.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1082343.html

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