NTFS Corrupted, Free Recovery Software?

    Date: 06/21/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, html

    Hey everyone,

    Here's what happened. I was getting ready to make an image of my (XP Pro) workstation with Novell's Zenworks 7 in order to re-partition my hard drive so I can install and play with Vista in a dual-boot environment, without actually having to count on vista as my main OS.

    I have two 80gb SATA drives (not running RAID, IDE Emulation) in my workstation, I Copied all my personal information to the second hard drive, then pushed an image of the workstation up to the network (no need to sysprep if it's coming back down on the same workstation), re-partitioned my main drive into two 40gb partitions, and pulled the image back down on one of them.

    The workstation booted up just peachy with XP booting just fine and all my programs in tact, however, the second drive that I had moved all the information to was no longer available. In the disk manager it said the data was 'unallocated' so I made it active (without formatting it) and it is being recognized as a raw partition right now, but keeps asking me to format it when ever I try to access it.

    Now here's the question: did some googling and found this http://www.safe-install.com/programs/undelete-ntfs-partition-data.html which after running, will detect the files on the drive, HOWEVER, it is a trial version and I cannot actually restore the files without buying the software. Does anyone know of any Freeware that will allow me to restore NTFS files from a corrupted drive?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1082394.html

« oh crap. hard drive.. || twitter help? »

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