Possibly Paranoid

    Date: 07/26/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, google

    But I googled this for a bit and couldn't find more than a tangential answer from more than one, maybe two sites.

    I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 from 2005. Due to various wear and tear and possibly the damn animals in the house (long story) my power adapter is starting to go. And due to sheer absentmindedness, I wouldn't mind having a spare around anyway.

    The adapter I have says it's 65W, and it runs the computer fine. The Dell website and a couple other sites I visited will only sell a 90W adapter for an Inspiron 8600, which I'm afraid will blow out the laptop. And I'd really like not to blow out the laptop. It's a good laptop. It's served me well.

    Is it going to blow out my laptop? Has anyone replaced their power adapter for this model with a 90W and had it work fine? Should I just get a 65W power adapter for a different model and don't worry, it'll work fine?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1091896.html

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