Apple hard drive on a PC

    Date: 10/03/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I used to have an Apple G4 iBook. Said iBook is broken. The hard drive, however, seems fine. I have disassembled the iBook, put the hard drive in an external hard drive case, and now I just am wondering, is it possible to access the files on this drive with my PC or will I have to plug it into a Mac, burn everything to CD/DVD, and then put the files from those DVDs onto my new PC?

    Also, once I have the files I need, can I format the drive to work on my PC? How do I do that, since when I plug it in, my PC recognizes that a storage device is plugged in, but does not display it in My Computer?


« Does anyone know.... || Hardrive Went "Missing" »

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