Hardrive Went "Missing"

    Date: 10/04/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html

    I posted earlier (http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1109386.html).

    So, his family wanted to wait to do anything due to some things going on. In the meantime, we opened up the computer to clean it out with the canned air. There was lots of dust & fur from the dog, but it wasn't as bad as some of the computer I've seen. I've done this before along with a few other things with my mom (we've done the basic upgrades on different computers). We then had to move it so they could clean out the room.
    When we put the whole thing back together, and I booted it (from the Windows CD), then tried to run the recovery console, it said it couldn't find the hardrive. So we shut it down, and opened it again thinking we knocked something out of place, but everything was in the right spot. All the cables were connected to where they needed to be. So I tried again, and went in the start up menus, it could find it there (I ran a diagnostic), but for some reason, the Windows cd can't find it.

    Any thoughts? (again. sorry, I'm starting to feel really stoopid)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1114692.html

« Apple hard drive on a PC || Hopefully last time :-/ »

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