Flakey cable internet

    Date: 10/23/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I recently moved to a new house (not even a mile away), thus prompting a technician to come out to the new house to get all the outlets ready (the new house had never had cable installed). Everything was good to go; he said the levels were fine, etc. However, ever since using the internet at the new place, I've been having issues with the consistency of the connection.

    Sometimes it'll load pages quickly, as it normally and always did at the old place. Other times it'll partially load the page, then give up on the other half of the page which usually includes large graphics. And even worse, sometimes it won't load a page at all and just time out. I'm not sure if my modem has passed its prime or what. The way I have it set up is: the modem is directly connected to my wireless router (MR814v1), which provides internet for the computer upstairs. The router is then connected directly to this PC (running XP). I've checked for any loose connections and such. Not sure what else it could be. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1120692.html

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