Vista boot freezes after restart following hardware change

    Date: 10/24/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Here's the deal! For the past few days, Vista has paused a bit while trying to load up. Yesterday, it simply would not complete the loading process. The progress bar would hang, and it would either stay there, or the screen would turn black.

    Tried dusting out the case. Tried repairing using the Vista DVD. Tried removing all USB devices. Tried removing some PCI devices. Tried a memtest. Tried reinstalling Vista. Tried installing Vista on another disk. Tried removing the original disk. Tried removing a memory stick, and then the other. Tried flashing the BIOS to the latest version.

    Every single time I tried one of these things, Vista would boot up once, and work until I restarted it, and it would hang again. So that's my problem: Vista works as long as it detects a change in hardware; otherwise, it hangs on boot. Very weird!

    The only remaining thing I can think of is buying a new motherboard, but I'm really not sure if this motherboard's broken. It works wonderfully when Vista is up and running.

    Otherwise, I'm flummoxed. Has anyone heard of anything similar? Is there anything I might be forgetting?

    (My desktop's hardware specs are in my profile.)


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