Fried Mobo on a Satellite P25-S520?

    Date: 11/12/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser, web

    Question/Problem: When booting, the computer would load the OS, then immediately shut down. In addition, the A/C power light would flicker on and off, and I'd have to jiggle the power connector to get it to go solid. Now, the computer won't even turn on, and the AC light stays off. I previously lost the cord that went from wall-->brick, so I found another one off of an old stereo that seemed to work. However, I don't know if that caused the mobo to fry. :S

    Operating System and VERSION: Windows Vista Beta (I think Version 2)

    Web Browser and VERSION: Firefox (I can't remember which version)

    Your level of experience: Beginnerish...not a n00b, but not comfortable with hardware.

    Duration of problem: Uhm...a long time?

    Any steps you've taken to troubleshoot? I tried to see if it was the power brick, but I think it's the inverter on the motherboard. I have a Satellite P25-S520 with a P4 (IIRC) processor, and I *think* 1.5 GHz of RAM. I've had the cover off and had a coworker look at it...he said everything looked good. Is there any way to replace *just* the power inverter on the MB, or am I looking at a whole new setup here? If I'm looking at a whole new setup, is there any way to salvage the processor and RAM off the old MB, or should I just start fresh? Cheaper is better here, as I'm a is best...if someone has a MB that they don't need anymore, I'll take it off your hands. :P

    Another unrelated issue is the DVD-RW drive...I need a new one...where's the best place to go for a cheap one? I tried getting one off Fleabay, but it didn't fit. If anyone needs a power brick or DVD/RW drive, I'll gladly sell it. ^_^

    (Mods, feel free to edit this post as needed!)

    Thanks in advance for any help!!!

    /xposted around...apologies if you see this more than once!


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