Windows explorer

    Date: 11/12/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser, virus, web

    Question/Problem: When my Pc starts up everything looks normal, start bar,desktop icons and wallpaper are all there, but a few seconds in and an error message is desplayed saying "Windows Explorer has stopped working" and then "Checking for a solution" It then says "Restarting Windows Explorer" The window then dissapears along with the desktop icons and start bar (Wallpaper stays intact) for a few seconds and then reappear, but it then repeats itself.
    I can access the internet,msn,windows media player etc from the task manager. If I cancel explorer then the start bar and desktop icons dissapear all together, If I then try to run it again it either continues displaying and error message or my start bar and desktop icons freeze so there is no way for me to click on them.

    Operating System and VERSION: Windows Vista

    Web Browser and VERSION: Firefox

    Your level of experience: Intermediate

    Duration of problem: 1 day

    Any steps you've taken to troubleshoot?
    Installed AVG and ran virus scan, found two Trojan horses which were deleted.
    Restored system to four days ago in safe mode (Although the error message still appears in safe mode.
    Ran Mcafee,AVG and Windows detector but no more viruses were found.

    Please help! Thank you :)

    x-posted anywhere that could help!


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