Need help choosing a MoBo.

    Date: 11/25/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi kids!

    I'm looking to build a new mid-range HT/gaming (more on gaming, actually) PC for Christmas. I'm pretty much set on an AMD Athlon 64 6000+ for a CPU, and an NVIDIA 8800 GT for a video card, which I'm planning to purchase as an upgrade later on. I'm somewhat new to the hardware scene though, so I hope you guys could help me choose a good mobo.

    I've been doing some research lately, and a majority of the stuff I've read so far recommend a Mobo with either an AMD690 or Nvidia 570 chipsets. I previously decided on an AMD 690 chipset mobo. I did some research on video cards later on, which is when I decided on the Nvidia 8800 GT. A few hardware review sites I've gone to recommend getting an NVidia 570 chipset for the card, but I'm having a hard time locating a good N570 board with a good feature/price balance.

    On the other hand, I need a board with a mid-range on-board graphics card to tide me over while I save up for the Nvidia 8800 GT, which is where the AMD690 chipset mobos come in.

    Honestly, I'm confused. Given an AMD Athlon 64 6000+ and an NVIDIA 8800 GT, what motherboard would you get for it, and why? Which mobo chipset would you recommend for a hybrid gaming/media PC? I'm hoping to spend about $100 or less if I could get away with it, but I wouldn't mind forking over about $200 tops.

    Thanks in advance.


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