Formatted Sandisk/Dreamweaver CS3

    Date: 11/26/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I was directed here from someone lovely in another community. Desperately need some help - definitely feel like I've exhausted all my resources and searching skills. Please dumb things down for me - you can assume I can't read instructions well at all anymore.

    1.  I have a formatted Sandisk (an old one I use to format after every single photo shoot), that I would like to get old portraits off of.  At my old job (the store has been closed, and I've already consulted my old coworkers), we had a program that could pull images up from years back.  I need something similar, but have no money to buy a program.  Any good trial versions that I can save from, or free versions that are powerful enough to do this?  I feel like I've tried everything on, but was only able to pull up very recent images (photographs that hadn't even been deleted off the card yet). Help!

    2. I'm building a site for a class in Dreamweaver and on my final nerve on how to figure out working thumbnails and/or swap image? I'm not even sure this is the right behavior anymore.  I have thumbnails of photographs that, when clicked on, need to bring up the full version next to the list of thumbnails.  It just doesn't make sense anymore, and I can't get it to work at all.  The professor has proved to be no help (i.e. "If you haven't figured it out by now...") and all the classmates I've tried to get a hold of haven't responded.  I'm running out of time!

    Thanks in advance for any help!


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