When all else fails...

    Date: 12/17/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I did a stupid thing a few months ago. I installed windows Xp pro to a new hard drive (d:) instead of replacing the old version on the old hard drive (c:) and cloning it to the new hard drive. Is there any way I can turn my d: drive into the c: drive?

    1: I can't boot up without the current c: drive. If the current c: drive is not physically connected to the motherboard it will not boot past the BIOS screen.
    2: The advanced tools for windows management won't let me change the c: drive into the d: drive. It won't allow me to change the settings for my system volume (c:) or my boot volume (d:).

    If I can't do that, is there any way to clone the c: drive and the d: drive together onto another hard drive? e.g. 50 gigs for the c: drive, 250 gigs for the d: drive?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1138361.html

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