Online Quizzes

    Date: 12/31/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Tapping the geek minds.

    I'm finishing-up an online quiz module for Joomla. You know, those silly things where you get asked a bunch of questions and then are presented with your answer, typically a graphical badge suitable for posting in your blog, that says something like, "You are... a member of this subculture!" or "You are 85% geek" and the like.

    I've got the basic quiz types done:

    1. Multiple choice where you're told if you got the right answer or not

    2. Multiple choice where your answers determine which badge you're shown ("You're mostly goth!" or "You're mostly preppy!"

    3. Percentage quiz, where you're asked lots of questions and told what percentage you got right.

    ... so what am I missing? What features in an online quiz would be cool that I'm not thinking of?

    Yes, it's a terribly mundane waste of time kind of online feature, but then so is LiveJournal sometimes :-)


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