strange reverse DNS problem

    Date: 01/04/08 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    Hi all. I'm having a rather strange reverse DNS problem, which I haven't been
    able to narrow down as of yet. Basically, no servers i.e., IRC/FTP/web/SSH/etc
    are able to obtain my PTR record when they require it. However, if I'm SSH'ed
    into a remote machine on a different ISP and I do a host/dig on my IP, I get the
    PTR record with no problems, and seemingly in the expected amount of time it
    takes to complete the query. Where this problem becomes apparent is for example,
    when who shows my IP address next to my username instead of the hostname that
    ought to be there. I would like to be able to report this to comcast; however,
    I'd also like to figure out what's causing it so that I give them something to
    work with. Has anyone here on Comcast Business service experienced this problem;
    if so, do you know how they fixed it? Thanks.


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