Recommendations please

    Date: 01/04/08 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser

    Hey, I am looking for recommendations for online games. Something free. Something similar to a game I used to play called Ragnarok Online. Is it still around and free?. I liked that it was rather light on bandwidth and graphics. It had cute 2D graphics I also used to play Kings of Chaos and Kingdom of Loathing but those became difficult if I didn't log in at least once a day. As it is, I can do the online game thing maybe 2-3 times a week, sometimes as little as once a week for a few hours at a time. So a game where I can succeed on my own for the most part would be good. Also, something where I can develop skills in game and use those skills to make money AKA tailoring or Archery or such like in EQ. I prefer immersible environments like Ragnarok over browser based game like Kings of Chaos. Any recommendations please?


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