2GB, 4GB, and 8GB of RAM Benchmarked on 64bit Windows Vista

    Date: 01/17/08 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, software

    I was doing research to see if it makes sense to upgrade my system from 3GB of RAM to 6GB (the 3GB is to stay under Windows XP's usage ceiling) for my copy of Vista 64bit Business that I'm dual-booting XP with, and I found this article:


    The results are basically saying that going from 2 to 4 and even 8GB doesn't help in Vista 64. Here are some snippets:

    Windows Vista 64-Bit

    Cinebench (This test 3D rendering.)

    2GB Patriot 6400 1322
    4GB Crucial 6400 1369
    4GB SuperTalent 6400 1307

    The 4GB Crucial had a 3.5% increase in performance, but the 4GB Patriot had a 1.3% decrease in performance.

    DVD-Shrink (Video and Audio Conversion Software.)

    2GB Patriot 6400 3.39 Seconds
    4GB Crucial 6400 3.39 Seconds
    4GB SuperTalent 6400 4.15 Seconds
    8GB Crucial/SuperTalent 4.09 Seconds


    Company of Heroes

    2GB Patriot 6400 58.5 fps
    4GB Crucial 6400 58.6 fps
    4GB SuperTalent 6400 58.4 fps
    8GB Crucial/SuperTalent 58.5 fps

    Again no real difference.

    Lost Planet

    2GB Patriot 6400 63 fps
    4GB Crucial 6400 59 fps
    4GB SuperTalent 6400 63 fps
    8GB Crucial/SuperTalent 64 fps

    Outdoors there was no real performance increase or decrease, aside from the 4GB Crucial sliding down 4 fps.

    2GB Patriot 6400 72 fps
    4GB Crucial 6400 71 fps
    4GB SuperTalent 6400 67 fps
    8GB Crucial/SuperTalent 65 fps

    As for indoors we lost 7 fps by the time we got up to the 8GB setup.

    After seeing that I decided to not ratchet up the RAM any further than what I have already.

    Hope this proves helpful to some of you who are being tempted with deals on 4GB kits :P

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1143351.html

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