be your own isp

    Date: 06/15/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    I have a question. Recently I was thinking that it would be quite cool if I could become my own ISP. I would like to be able to set up a dial-up server and allow my parents and some friends to use me as their ISP. Presently I have 6mps+ up and down and I do not need all of that all of the time. Thus I was thinking tha ti could use an old box to serve out sme of that to them. I have several questions
    1. would my ISP and my phone company kill me for this. I will not be receiving any renumeration for this but I am simply giving them free dial-up
    2. where could I find information on doing this?
    3. Is this like setting up a VPN?
    4. What would I need to do this successfully?

    I am throughly courious and I would love to be able to do this legally and feel free to point me in the right direction on google or where ever


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