Generic Host Process Error.

    Date: 06/15/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: microsoft

    Hi there.

    Lately, my precious Fred (laptop running at Centrino 1.5, 256MB of RAM) has been starting up with Windows XP wanting to send out an error report for a Generic Host Process Win32 error. I've been ignoring it for a while, & this morning, I just got too tired of it & sent the error report. It turns out there's some bug in Service Pack 2, & there's this hotfix which could fix the darned thing.

    But, I don't know anything about this update. Is it okay, or should I wait until the next SP release? It's not doing anything wrong to my PC, really, since the error, according to Microsoft, happens during the shut down process. I just want to know if anyone has been experiencing the same thing & what are the steps you took. Or, what would be the best action: download the hotfix or just ignore the problem?

    Thanks for your time! :)

    Cross-posted at '[info]'computersupport.


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