
    Date: 06/21/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    While I need a bunch of things for my pc, right now I am having storage issues.
    I am running xp pro.
    Currently there are 3 hdd's (40, 60, 80)
    The 40 and the 80 are in the pc right now, while the 60 is visiting a friend. I am looking to (at some point) turn the 40 into a external hdd, but since that is already in a pc, I will be using the 60.
    I am looking for enclousers that are resonably inexpensive and can cross platform (mac to pc) with out issue. I found this one on New Egg The Rosewell and it has received good reviews and pretty cheap.
    Now my question is, someone mentioned in the reviews that you needed to format it so the computer recconginzes the hdd not just the enclouser. If I purchased this, and formated it, would I loose all the information on the hdd?
    Thank you.

    Also, (I am pretty green to hardware) physically, what is the difference between a ATA and STA haddrive. I know I have the older version (two connections to the hdd) but I want to make sure I am getting the correct hardware.

    Thanks again

    (x-posted in hardware)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/710504.html

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