Linux not working

    Date: 06/22/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux, spam

    I tried to install Mandriva 10.2/Mandrake 10.1 (tested them both) on my desktop computer. Specs: 2x SATA 160gb and raid0 VIA raid controller. It would install just fine, but when I tried to boot I just get a spam of L 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ....anyidea what is wrong? I installed it like 3 times..same thing. If I use just one sata drive it boots, but it's very buggy, slow, programs wont open etc. I would really want to use linux. But I always have to install XP :(. Is it so that Linux doesn't work on raid0? Would sound a little weird to me.


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